Monday, July 21, 2008


BEFORE Shena with split ends

Shena AFTER with no split ends

This is the only way I know to repair Split Ends without a hair cut.

Shena had severely damaged her hair with bleach, hair color, and sun and chlorine from participating in her favorite sport, wake boarding. In and out of the water every day in the hot sun of the South took it's a toll on her hair making it look over processed.

Shena tried so many conditioners and repair treatments but her hair was damaged, dry, frizzy, and had so many split ends half way up the hair shaft. The day she walked into the salon, she believed she would have to cut her hair at least 8 to 10 inches.

The Hair Repair Team used a new product by the great Greek scientist/hair dresser/educator, JOHN ANTONIOU, and the split ends were repaired.

Shena is so shocked at the difference this intensive repair treatment ANTONIOU REZZ A RECT made on her hair.

This is the first time Shena has been in the salon of the Hair Repair Team. They never met Shena before this day they repair her hair and film this video.

Shena is so shocked at the difference the intensive hair repair treatment, ANTONIOU REZZ A RECT makes on her hair.


  1. Shampoo with ANTONIOU SHAMPOO and rinse. Do not towel blot the hair.

  2. Apply a tbs. of REZZ A RECT to very wet hair and work throughout the hair

  3. Cover the hair with a plastic bag and apply heat from a hair dryer for 5 minutes.

  4. Rinse lightly and apply a tbs. of ANTONIOU CONDITIONER/DETANGLER to make the tangles slide out like a breeze. Rinse again lightly.

  5. Apply a dime size of ANTONIOU REZZ A RECT to the repaired hair and leave it in the hair as a styling aid and as a protector from further damage of sun and chlorine

  6. In addition to this, Shena used a little smoothing serum and then she flat ironed her hair herself.

The Hair Repair Team, of which I am a member, love to get this happy response from those who thought their hair was ruined and they would have to cut it all off.

Please watch the repair on the video and see the steps performed